Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I just typed a long long entry and the computer hung!! Arrrgh!!

See if I can recall.

Had IA discussion today and it seemed like any ordinary schoolday. The computer lab was packed with people. So were the study benches. Who says Bizaders are slackers??

Not suggesting anything, but after being in mostly girl company for a long time, it is quite a refreshing change to talk with guys. Yes, they talk about girls, porn and sex but at least their conversations are often no-holds barred. At least this is what I think. With girls. it is different. Topics seem to revolve around our latest shopping expeditions, gossips, relationship problems etc. And there is this fear of backstabbing too. Why did she say that about me? What does she mean when she says this? She is so fake. I can't stand it! blah blah blah. You get the drift. With guys, it is possible to hold insightful conversations. How insightful can knowing about a sale get??

To digress, I encountered one incident that happened about a week ago between a girl and a boy at the playground near my place. I was walking home after school.

(In Mandarin)

Girl: What is your name?

Boy on bicycle: Jun Hao

Girl: Ok, I shall address you by "Ah Hao" in future.

Wow! Is this how easily children make friends nowadays? I have grown old. How easily they take the initiative. I really do miss the carefree-ness of childhood. Little worries. No fear of rejection, no worries of schoolwork. And how serious can friendship problems get? Probbaly just the I don't friend you line and all's well after 3 days.. Ahhh!! I love the innocence of children!

Hmm.. should I wake up for soccer tonite?


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