Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Did quite a silly thing this morning. I msg him to wish him good luck for his M1 presentation today.

I knew about this a long ago and in fact I had been thinking in my head how I should go about drafting the message. Well, it turned out to be a very short one and I was glad he replied quickly enough. But as usual, SMS communication is so faceless. It is so hard to find out what he really meant just from the words!

D msg me this morning about a job giving out gift packs at Changi Airport. Well, it's pretty good, but the only drawback is the ungodly shift hours and working on weekends! I am still deliberating over whether I should take up the job and when I should start. And the reason for my indecisiveness? Working, esp on weekends means it would be hard for me to meet up with the rest for KTV. What if only I can't make it on a weekend?!! Arrrghh... I hate myself for thinking like that. My motivation for something is always wrong and so way off!!

Anyway, watched Bridget Jones's Diary on TV yesterday. I simply adore Renee Zellweger! Her performance was absolutely fabulous!

To quote from the movie: "I truly believe that happiness is possible even when you're thirty three and have a bottom the size of two bowling balls." Her character is a true inspiration to all singletons out there. That looks shouldn't matter in the pursuit for true love. (Cliche but how true!) Though I would have to admit that in today's society, it is just so hard!

Now I just badly want to catch the movie in the cinema!


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