Thursday, September 22, 2005

Overcoming the barrier

Today was the last day of training and I will be back at the branch tomorrow. It feels as if it is my first day of work again. Frankly speaking, I wished I hadn't passed all my CMFAS and I would be at Direct Banking at Cisco Centre tomorrow.

All my colleagues said I was crazy to even harbour such thoughts; those who hadn't passed wished they were in my position!

My thoughts are so contradictory. One part of me is happy I am one of the "privileged few" to be able to be deployed to branches; the other part wishes to be at Cisco Centre.

I guess I still haven't been able to overcome the personal barrier of doing sales and hitting targets yet. I better overcome that asap.

Attended a "Personal Relationship Banking" course modeled on Cohen Brown earlier this week and this phrase really struck me.

The behaviours that make the most money are those you least want to do.

How many of us are truly happy and enjoying their jobs? True, most of my friends, including myself, are just starting up, we are still low down in the learning curve so everything seems interesting and fun.

Five years down the road, would we still be feeling the same? Enjoyable job + good money. This combination is perfect for me; but how many jobs are there out there that can fulfil this criteria?

Now I know why my mum can stay at her job for thirty years. Nobody wants to work, but if that is where the money is, why not? True, we have far more choices now, but in every job, there needs to be a mindset change.

I don't like sales, but this will be my bread and butter for some time to come. After all, the behaviours that make the most money are those that (I) least want to do.


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