Thursday, October 20, 2005

Spring cleaning

Switched mobile phones with my Mum two nights ago and I was looking through my list of contacts and keying in the missing ones.

I noticed that I have accumulated a rather substantial list of contacts over the years. I have to admit that there are some names which I have absolutely no recollection of - who they are and why their numbers are there.

I have 2 simple caller groups too -- Friends and family. Family is a no-brainer. But the friends group? There probably needs to be some sifting through and filtering involved to determine who are the "privileged few" to qualify as "friends".

Under the "Friends" category, there are mobile numbers of past project group mates. Which means to say, even though we were very close during those few weeks of project discussions and meetings, the phone conversations were only exchanged during those few weeks. Qualify as friends?

And then there are those "friends" from primary/secondary days. Not very close then, not too close now either. We exchanged numbers for "memory's sake".

Under the "category-less category", there are numbers of estate agents, customers, recruitment consultants etc. Their names were essential because I needed their help then.

Of course, there are names that I do not have the heart to delete even though I may have only called the number once or I do not contact them now, or their numbers may have changed. They are just there, just to be within my view.

After a thorough decision-making process, most of the names were spared from being deleted. For the handful that were deleted, it took me a long time for me to decide to press the "delete" button.

So much for "spring-cleaning" my contact list.

This little exercise also made me wonder how many phones/organizers have my number on it.

Have you done a little spring cleaning on your contact list yet?


<$BlogCommentAuthor$> said...

My reason for not deleting names is not because I want to build my so-called network.. It just doesn't feel right deleting their contacts because we were close once after all.

And who knows.. they might just contact me some time in the future.. and I won't be able to recognize this foreign number. A bit pai seh..

2:48 PM  
<$BlogCommentAuthor$> said...

guess what i would say?
i would say, im sorry, i've lost my hp once, so i forgot who u are... kekeke

10:24 PM  

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