Monday, January 03, 2005

Miss Big Spender

Say a big hello to Miss Big Spender. I've been spending so much money in recent weeks. On shopping, food, movies and playing mahjong, KTV blah blah blah.

What pains me and makes me regretful is the fact that I seem to commit the crime of buying "unnecessary wants". Although most of my purchases are wants, they can be further classified as "urgent wants" and "unnecessary wants".

Things like the occasional New Paper for their soccer reports because Man Utd won that particular game, Old Chang Kee curry puffs and crab nuggets "for lunch", going to Heartland Mall "to top up my farecard", or "go to the bank" and end up buying unnecessary stuff yet again! And vanity seems to be an inborn trait of every other woman on the street. I seem to be covered from top to toe with some lotion, cleansing gel and moisturizer. It is scary how these things run out so soon and I often have to replenish my supplies every few weeks! That's money gone again! No wonder marketers always say the female shopper is one of the most lucrative markets around!

Still on the issue of "unnecessary wants", my other soft spot is magazines! To be specific, magazines that target the female, with lots of beauty, fashion and guy tips! Just for the month of January alone, I have bought Cleo (my usual. It's the best!), Elle (for the nice tote bag it was giving away. Don't usually like Elle coz I find it a little too high-end for my liking.) and Her World (because it featured Joanne Peh on the cover. But after flipping through, it turns out that it was only a small teeny weensy article!) And all these are on top of the 4 issues of i-weekly I usually buy. Do the math and that is A LOT of money spent. Sigh! I wonder if I can even finish reading all of them before their next issue hit the racks!

Anyway, I really like this article from the January issue of Her World. It sort of made up for my disappointment on the Joanne Peh part. Some of the points might not be very applicable now, but I enjoyed it so much I just have to put it here in case I throw the magazine away!

20 grips of the single gal

1. Your cool and composed girlfriends degenerate into pouty little monsters that coo toe-curling nicknames like "Cutie Buns", "Boy-Boy" or “Da-Da to their men. And in public, no less.

2. Each time you get an SMS, your friends ask mock-innocently: "Anyone we should know about?"

3. Forget sympathy. When you complain about your man-less state, your friends now utter patronizing (and truly unhelpful) clichés like "Don't worry dear, your time will come."

4. Friends become experts on snagging trophy boyfriends: "You should go out more. What about Beng (your obese secondary school classmate who was expelled at 14 for drawing obscene graffiti)? He's a nice boy whaat."

5. Before, you "had taste" and were "discerning". Now, you're too "picky" or "choosy".

6. You have to put up with smirks from the ticket-seller at the box office when your giggling gal pals ask for love seats and you're always the odd numbered ticket destined for the end of the row.

7. You turn up for what you thought would be a heart-to-heart session with your best friends, only to find you've been set up on a blind date with some guy like Beng.

8. You get terribly confused talking to your friends who now use the word "we" about eight times per sentence so you don't know who "we" refers to anymore. "Should we order? We had really hot sex the other night. Shall we go shopping after this? We're going to Bintan on Friday."

9. You're the only one who has to pay full-price for everything from restaurant meals to hotel rooms, while everyone enjoys the two-for-one deals.

10. You have nothing to offer when your gal pals discuss their sex lives, not even if you were prepared to lie about it.

11. You have to play judge every time your friends show off new gifts from their respective darlings and fall into bitter competition over whose gift is better.

12. You've got no one to moan to about men problems any more (for fear of aforesaid smug advice).

13. You are harassed for full reports of any date you go on, because your friends secretly miss the dating scene. The worst ones SMS you continually while you're out on your dates. "So has he made a move yet? Remember not to eat anything with garlic in it. What are you wearing?"

14. Your precious sleep is interrupted at 3.53am by weeping pals who've just quarreled with Da-Da. Well of course you're the chosen shoulder to cry on – what else could you be busy with, right?

15. Your all-girl dos are always ruined by your girlfriends showing up with their Da-Das and acting clueless. "Oh but there was no soccer on TV tonight so Da-Da thought he'd come along and say hi..."

16. You have to be bridesmaid at ALL their weddings. One after the other.

17. You never hear from them after the wedding because they're too busy with their new darlings. But you will get last-minute calls to say they're free to meet for an hour, and that's only because Da-Da has to work late.

18. You have no one to go on vacation with because none of your friends will leave home without him.

19. At parties, you wind up entertaining everyone's kids at the knee-high table because the adults have all paired up and there's no space at their table.

20. At wedding dinners, you're placed at the "miscellaneous" table, together with the bride's third ex-boyfriend and her piano teacher.

Utterly hilarious!

School's starting in a week's time. Wish me all the luck in getting all my modules successfully!


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